[rescue] miss me?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 28 19:51:49 CDT 2002

--- "Tim H." <lists at pellucidar.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Aug 2002 06:10:22 -0700 (PDT)
> Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Low enough freq. will disrupt bodily functions - i.e. in the region
> of
> > 6 Hz... (kinda like a Kate Bush Song too... ;^)
> Well it isn't just disrupt, the guy that discovered it almost killed
> himself.  ~7 Hz is the resonant frequency of the cellular matrix of
> the soft tissues in the human body (brain, unimportant stuff like
> that) When subjected to that frequency at sufficient amplitude the
> cells just shake apart, turn liquid and flow out the nearest
> orifice.  7 Hz is pretty low, you can almost count that fast

Cool... In a disturbing way.

> I did hear a frequency sweep once in a large auditorium, and as the
> frequency came down you could hear it hit the resonant frequency of
> different things in the room, the heaters, etc.  Then he got down to

Hey, is that what they do when the set up a soundsystem for a concert?

In college, they used to shut the gym down and "set up" the sound
system... I assumed they were sweeping the PA through the sound
spectrum at a set volume, then based on the amount of sound absorbed at
each frequency, they set the EQ to compensate for the room... Is that
what you're talking about?

> Darn, I thought this thread moved to geeks.

I can't - not there (yet) - off to subscribe...




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