[rescue] Whap Whap whap (hand hitting forhead)

Stephen D. B. Wolthusen stephen at wolthusen.com
Thu Aug 29 11:23:29 CDT 2002


On 29-Aug-2002 Michael A. Turner wrote:
>       I cannot, for the life of me, remember the command that shows what
> process are using X amount of memory and Y amount of processor. Command
> returned a nice looking table with updating values. I remember using this on
> my school sparc machines and I cannot remember the command on the one I am
> working on. Any one have a clue what it is?
>       Could also be that it was something the admins at school installed
> to watch for runaway processes (which is a common occurrence on machines
> being used by comp sci students to build their programs). If that is the
> case does anyone know the command that will tell me which process is hogging
> the processor? This is SunOS 5.7 BTW.

There's top (generic, portable) and then there's proctool, but that hasn't been
updated in a while but will work on Solaris 7 and is more powerful than top or
Process Manager
(http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/solaris/freeware/SOURCES/PROCTOOL/). IIRC
Process Manager (which basically is a top workalike from CDE) came bundled
first with Solaris 8.



Stephen Wolthusen (stephen at wolthusen.com)

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