[rescue] pocket rocket

Derrick D. Daugherty derrick at blinky-lights.org
Mon Feb 4 19:28:52 CST 2002

It's rumored that around Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 12:41:27AM -0500
Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
> On January 31, Derrick D. Daugherty wrote:
> > >   A......scope....for...windows?  Or palm?
> > >   Oh, one of those connect-it-to-your-computer things.  Eeeek.
> > >   No offense..
> > 
> > dude. i'm poor as of now.  my next paycheck should be 3.5k..but that's
> > three weeks from now..and again, this was a present from mum.  i don't
> > have a spare 3k to buy a _real_ one... i'll get there, i promise.
>   Dude, I said "no offense"...I wasn't meanin' to jump on your shit
> about it.

heh, none taken, i was attempting at being 'playful' which my
dry/sarcastic sense o' humor usually makes me sound sincere.  it's hard
to convey tone in text...that's why i'm not a writter.  i'd rarely take
offense to anything said over email, so no sweat ;)

> > please be my friend :P   i think it's badass my mum got me a scope.
> > badass.
>   It is indeed badass.  Is your mom cute? ;)

that'sjust gross :)  you freak.  i need to go bathe now.  wash the sin
away.   ;D

> > i have like 900 in the bank and my monthly expenses are well over
> > 1.2k...i dunno what i'm gonna do...something will present itself.  it
> > always does.
>   I know the feeling. :-(

Luckily things all worked out and life is grand...just with an
incredibly high degree of stress, but i thrive on it so that's ok.

but back to the pocket pal..it's about .75 deep, 1" wide and about 6-7"
long  (this was the oscilliscope to all you sick bastards, you should be

for bill:



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