[rescue] SS10/20 death

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Feb 5 09:56:02 CST 2002

Are these actually dual 100MHz Hypersparcs (will
normally have a single very large heatsink) or
are they the older 40MHz SM100s (six individual
chips)?  If they're the latter then they're really
only of value to someone with a barebones 6x0MP.
The SM100s are dog slow.  If you have a part number
it's easy to look up.

Whether the new Ross CPUs are worth anything or
not, take a look at the underside MBus connector--
you may have one where two pins are shorted together
or a pin is bent.  It's possible that you really
did fry something, but that seems unusual.  The
only MBus CPU I had with bent pins just caused
POST/boot failure--and it was an SM100.  Then again,
I may just have gotten lucky.

I would suggest taking either the 10 or 20, removing
all non-essential SBus cards/memory, making sure
the remaining cards/memory were well seated, and then
trying again.  Other than that suggestion, there's
some possibility that a fuse on the MB might have
blown--maybe someone else on the list knows the right
place to look.

The only other thing I can think is that if those
really *are* HyperSPARCs, then you might not have
a recent enough PROM revision--but that wouldn't
explain why you now can't boot the systems with
an SM61/71.  In fact, a system that can handle an
SM71 should also be able to handle a 100MHz HyperSPARC
IIRC.  I'm hoping that it's just a question of getting
the CPU and/or memory properly seated.

  Good Luck!

> So, I picked up some ross dual 100 cpu's on ebay. Happily, I grabbed
> one and threw it into a 20 (that had been running an sm71) The power
> light flashed, and that's the last thing that happened.
> I removed the ross, replased the sm71, still nothing but a quick flash
> of the power light.
> I took the sm71, threw it into a ss10 that had been running dual
> sm61's. That was fine.
> Here comes the really stupid move. I took the ross, threw that into
> the ss10. Nothing. Ever again. With any processor.
> Does anyone have a clue if these systems can be rescued/restored? The
> Ross was supposed to be tested, and I actually have 4
> others. Unfortunately, I'm fresh out of sparcs.

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