[rescue] Personal Progressions

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Thu Feb 7 06:42:51 CST 2002

First video game console: never owned one.  First I *used* was a Megadrive.
First computer used: Acorn BBC model B
First computer owned: Amstrad CPC 464
First computer that I really got into: CPC 464 ... aahhhh, Z80 assemblers ...
  Forth ... CP/M ...
First Sun used: some species of Ultra at work
First Sun owned: 386i
First Sparc owned: SS2
First SMP machine: SS1000
Favorite machine: Mac Cube

"Biggest" I've used would be a room-sized CNC mill.  Does that count?

David Cantrell | david at cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

   It doesn't matter to me if someone else's computer is faster because
   I know my system could smash theirs flat if it fell over on it.
        -- (with apologies to Brian Chase)

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