[rescue] window manager and keyboard

nate nate at nutopia.org
Fri Feb 8 16:51:56 CST 2002

On 8 Feb 2002 21:48:44 +0100, "Iggy Drougge" muttered:

The problem with PS/2 keyboards is that they've got Control in the wrong
place, and Alt is transposed, and the modern ones have a lot of Windows
keyboards which only cause distress when using Windows.
Are there no PS/2 or AT keyboards with the keys in the right places?

Actually, I like the windows keys. Just fix the keycap and you get a
meta key :) And on the right side you get a "hyper." I just switched to
Sawfish on my FreeBSD box (if i ever finish installing gnu / gnome stuff
on my SS20 I'll try it there too... check back in a month or so and it
might be done :) and it understands the "windows" key just fine as a
"meta" key! Since most unix stuff seems to only need ctrl and alt now
days i use the windows key for all my windowmanager related stuff (like
desktop switching) to keep my ctrl/alt free. On a side note i think for
an Embedded Systems class final project I may connect my Type-5 to the
ps/2 port on my pc :)

On a side note, anyone know how, in XFree86, to make a key act as the
"compose" key on a Type-5 does? Makes typing accents a lot more fun :)


--Nathaniel Grady

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