Extinct IBM OSs (was: Re: [rescue] Personal Progressions)

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Sun Feb 10 14:50:23 CST 2002

on 2/10/02 3:37 PM, George Adkins at george at webbastard.org wrote:

> On Sunday 10 February 2002 03:09 pm, you wrote:
>>> Indeed, there's an OS/2 machine on every desk at every Bank of America
>>> branch that I've ever been in.  And many ATMs run OS/2.  Now mind you,
>>> I'm not a huge fan of OS/2...but face it, it's all over the place, and
>>> it won't be going away any time soon.
>> Yup.  I recently saw an ATM who's ATM application had crashed with an OS/2
>> error.
> heh heh, 
> so the question is, how are ATM's networked?
> Ethernet? or... 

Of course you are trying to make a joke.....

no they are dial up, not ATM.... silly boy.

Mike N

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