[rescue] Re: Extinct IBM OSs

Brian Dunbar Brian.Dunbar at Plexus.com
Mon Feb 11 14:01:08 CST 2002

From: Jeff Workman [mailto:jworkman at pimpworks.org]

> Actually, a lot of ATM machines are on dedicated ISDN lines.  And,
according to my landlord, a lot of them are now getting T1 
> links.  Why a 128K ISDN link wouldn't be fast enough for ATM transactions,
I do not know.

Out here in Hooterville, Texas the local Quickie-Mart has an ATM with a dial
up modem.  I don't know how long after a customer uses the machine it hangs
up - but once in a while, deep in the night, I'll use the machine and wait
... and wait .. and wait while I hear it very faintly dial - negotiate -
pause while checks my account and spits the money out.  I imagine the "new
rich" types moving out here from Dallas will want to wait *that* long for
their cash.  Plus, the faster the connection, the more pretty graphics and
pictures (ads) they can display . . .


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