[rescue] desperately need a window manager

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Tue Feb 12 02:13:52 CST 2002

On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 04:23:47PM -0500, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> You can either use windowmaker, from freeware.sgi.com

aaahhhhhh, freeware!!!!

i'll download the source and build it myself thankyouverymuch. :)

but yeah, i've used windowmaker in the past, and i don't completely hate it.

> or run the "Extra Desks" stuff under "Desktop" in 4Dwm.

done that already.  not the best setup i've seen for handling that.

> I have found that once I got the Desk overviews at 6%, tiled
> vertically, it was very nice and easy and quick to switch between
> desks.  I just stick the desk overview in the upper left corner of the
> screen.

and you need to double-click to get to you other workspace.  and both screens
are tied to the one single desk manager, so i can't have them on different
virtual desktops at the same time, which is really nice really.  i want a
very simple hotkey for switching desktops (i love meta-arrowkey in olvwm)
and virtual desktops that operate independantly of each other.  speaking of
which, i've never used windowmaker on a multi-headed beast, does it behave

> The Octane sounds nice.

oh, my, god.  it's AWESOME.  and at the cost of a cheapish PC to boot.
that atlantis screensaver of whatever it is kicks butt.  GL screensaver rock.
i think TRAM would help out a little bit, but not at $300 a pop (best price
i've found yet)

so, anyone run quake2 on an SGI box?  why is it slower than a 286 on my
Octane?  250Mhz r10k CPU, SI graphics.  dog slow.  so slow, the MENU is
unuseable.  that just doesn't seem right for some reason.  any tips on making
it perform the way it should?


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