OT: Purdue/PSU, was [rescue] ss2 under load

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Fri Feb 15 16:40:39 CST 2002

On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 13:21, Derrick D. Daugherty wrote:
> look into their CERIAS program...a friend of mine admins a lot of the
> unix shit there...they just got a 6500 and i think some a5k's and i've
> been helping him get that stuff up and running.   from what i've heard
> from him he's never even touched a windows box since he's been there.

i know of CERIAS.  ftp.cerias.purdue.edu is my local
slackware/debian/FreeBSD/OpenBSD mirror.  I know a little of what
they're doing, but really don't know too much about it.  Does your
friend want to hire me? :)
> > at the wrong place.  In my experience, college teaches you how to do
> > what you're told without question, how to be subordinate.  I'm in the
> precisely one of hte reasons i had no qualms about leaving.  i'm glad to
> see others came to the same conclusion.  college teaches you how to work
> for other people, how to jump through hoops.  i don't want to be a show
> poodle.

I'm not a show poodle, that's why my GPA is lackluster

> gene spafford is still a prof there isn't he?  he has a good degree of
> clue.

yes, i believe so, but i've never had the privledge of meeting him.

> CERIAS is what used to be COAST....another good friend of mine worked in
> that program and he's extremely clueful.  he cracks systems for a
> living, and a damn good one.
> But true, they don't teach the shit that I want to know, or atleast they
> didn't use to, that may have changed.  I think that's why unix geeks are
> pretty highly sought after.

I feel that it's a sad state of affairs, but, i don't run the
university, and i don't have sufficient money to donate to have any sort
of pull on things.  MS does, hence the unfortunate campus agreement.

	-Dan Sikorski

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