[rescue] Re:serial expansion question

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sun Feb 17 00:11:32 CST 2002

On Sat, Feb 16, 2002 at 10:48:08PM -0700, Arthur Wouk wrote:

> i have the box running on a sparc2  under solaris2.7 (last solaris for
> sparc2s).  i am told that it will run on any later sparc with solaris8
> and up. it came with literature for sunos4....! at least for solaris
> 2.4 and on, it is automatically enabled on a boot. i am using one
> parallel port for a printer, one serial port for a headless sparc2.

So, this raises the question of will Solaris 8 run well enough on a classic
with 24megs of ram to use as a terminal server, or will I need to scare up
more ram for the classic?

Boy, I'm increasingly realizing how hard it is to find Sun information.  For
instance, the Sun Hardware Faq says that IPXs take 72pin simms, but that
the classic takes 60ns simms.  Now, I know that the simms in the classic
are 72pins.  So, I suppose this means that classic ram would work in the
IPX.  But, the real question is, would the IPX ram work in the classic?
This is of high interest since the IPX has 64megs of ram, and all it has
to do is run NetBSD to operate a bootserver, which would work fine on less
ram, but if I'm to put Solaris 8 on a classic, well, it needs all the ram
it can get.

Joshua D. Boyd

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