[rescue] IP blocks

Iggy Drougge optimus at canit.se
Wed Feb 20 16:53:08 CST 2002

Eric Dittman skrev:

>I've got a question that may be best asked here, since we've
>got people with lots of net experience.  I want to find all
>the IP blocks for wanadoo.fr (and a couple of others, but
>that's the top one on my list) so I can block them at my
>firewall.  What's the best way to find all the IP blocks
>for a given domain?

But why do you want to block out France's largest ISP? I know, telecom-run
ISPs are usually very lame and filled with lamers, but I thought only I was
fascistoid enough to do such things to entire subdomains.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.

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