[rescue] Indy question

Francisco Javier Mesa-Martinez lefa at cats.ucsc.edu
Thu Feb 21 21:15:05 CST 2002

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> I could be mistaken - but I thought that *R4k* Indigos took regular PS2
> keyboards and mice.  The *R3k* Indigo is the one with funky
> keyboards/mice...

R3K/4K   indigos take the same keyboard, ie. the same type as the
onyx/indigo/PI/crimson. The main differences between the R3K  and R4ks
are the different PWS and backplane. R4Ks take normal 72pin ECC simms. 

Indigo2 and Indys (Octane, O2 for that matter) do take normal PS2


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