[rescue] Why Phoenix ServerBIOS serial console sucks

Josh Neal josh at unixmercenary.net
Mon Feb 25 18:49:02 CST 2002

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 06:42:42PM -0500, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> Did you actually use them (i.e. successfully examine and reset any BIOS
> settings)?  How?  What speed?

Works for me at 38400. Need to use Eterm to display the output, though, as it does a better job than xterm. 

> What's really insane is that with a tiny bit of real programming they
> could have made an absolutely superb serial console that was completely
> ASCII-only, i.e. 100% terminal emulation independent!  THEY OWN THE
> BIOS!  They could even make M$-DOg bring command.com up on a serial port!

Amen, brother. (I have used the serial console to control Intel's dos-based bios flash utility, so it _is_ possible, if ungainly.)


Josh Neal
"I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."
	-- Homer Simpson

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