[rescue] Ultra 30 and Maximum Drive Size

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jan 1 15:19:49 CST 2002

On January 1, Ken Hansen wrote:
> > (yes, I know, a large / is a bad idea;
> > please dont even start ..):
> Hey, I like a big root partiton, esp. on home machines.

  That doesn't make it a good idea, man.  There are actual *reasons*
why it's a bad idea, y'know. ;)

> I have minimal exp. in production environments (setting up servers), but 
> for a personal box, what the hell...

  If it's important enough to run, it's important enough to run


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf

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