[rescue] OT: jobops in austin and dallas

Derrick D. Daugherty derrick at blinky-lights.org
Thu Jan 10 22:21:25 CST 2002

It's rumored that around Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 10:09:43PM -0600
Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 09:48:56PM -0600, Derrick D. Daugherty wrote:
> > so i filter alotta the mail... wha array you getting?! :)
> Actually just an RSM2000 disk tray; more a JBOD/disk shelf than anything.
> I'll be running DiskSuite, since I cant afford Veritas. 8-(

no one responded on the 'educational/freebee' license???  lemme ask doug
and ravi if they can help..they're pretty influential.  i mean, hell,
you provide an _invaluable_ service....geeze, they both use it, why
not?!  i'll let ya know...but it'll prolly be after my next boarding

> > in the 1u i bought from ya i'm just gonna do sw mirroring...right now i
> > boot off one drive.. (throw away os drive) and then all _real_ data is
> > raid 5... on the dell 4500..percII board..(my brother designed it)  and
> > don't flame me for bad firmware/migration issues :)  he's aware, they
> > didn't wanna pay to fix 'em.  :)
> So, how's it working in the case?

it's sitting on top of my snowboard boots...my cats love it..i haven't
bothered unscrewing the mb's from my 6u boxes (which someone on here
wanted) to see :D  interviews and past work keep calling me to come
in..so no home time in the past two weeks.   again, i HATE life altering

> > btw, what search proggie did you choose? i need to enable the san and
> > emc lists...i've just been lazy
> ht://dig, if they finish fixing it by then.

noted...seemed clunky in the past..but i'll look again
(writes on post-it)

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