[rescue] OT: jobops in austin and dallas

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Fri Jan 11 13:44:25 CST 2002

My Centerforce Dual Friction clutch is pretty much on or off as well. It
took me a while to get used to it after having the mushy factory clutch for
years. But the Centerforce was well worth the money. Unfortunately I am
going to be selling my car in the spring.



-----Original Message-----
From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Derrick D. Daugherty
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 1:01 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [rescue] OT: jobops in austin and dallas

It's rumored that around Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 11:57:10AM -0500
Kurt Huhn <kurt at k-huhn.com> wrote:
> > when you smell the burning oil is it from exhaust or the eng block?  if
> > exhuast, be worried..if eng block..investigate... see if you can spot
> > it?  is it _in_ the exhaust? if so..welll..umm.. yer fucked if it's mroe
> > than normal :)
> Oil in exhaust ain't always bad - I had a Jetta once that developed
> buring-oil-in-exhaust, and I fixed by replacing the valve seals.  Not
easy -
> but cheap.  It's possible that it could also be the head gasket - if you
> that yourself, it's also cheap (but not exactly easy).

it freaked me out when i first got the 7 and checked the oil a couple
weeks later after a change and it was much lower.  then i find out their
designed to burn oil... whew.  but when i started getting coolant in the
exhuast fumes as well i knew i was screwed :\

note on the cluthless shifting.  i'm sure it's much harder on mine since
it is a racing clutch... i was so surprised when i drove my brother's
accord around at how the clutch was like butter.  very forgiving and
smooth.  i seem to have a binary cluth

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