[rescue] octane question

Big Endian bigendian at mac.com
Thu Jan 17 11:45:04 CST 2002

>Big Endian wrote:
>>  deal with :0.0 to :0.1 dragging issues.  Of course xinerama screens
>>  need to be the same depth so you can't xinerama a 24 bit screen and
>>  an 8 bit screen.
>Yes you can, but they all default to the lowest res/depth. It's cool if
>you've got all the same fb/monitor combos. Still works if you don't, but
>what's the point?

Whats the point of multihead?  I grew up w/ multihead on macs.  It 
was a given, if you had multiple cards you had a bigger desktop.  I 
guess its just the way I think but thats "normal" behavior for a 
multihead system.  When I first tried to do multiple heads on an ss20 
and I couldn't drag things between screens I thought "well this 
sucks, do ALL X11 systems do this?" and then a year later Xinerama 
came out and made X11 work like a "real" multihead system.  Its not 
perfect, Macs allow you to run multiple displays at different bit 
depths/resolutions w/ different cards seamlessly but it will get 

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