[rescue] mystery machine

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Jan 21 19:53:35 CST 2002

On January 21, bluecanary at shaft.shaftnet.org wrote:
> Well Dan, I sure hope nobody took you up on that bet, as it turned out to 
> be a SS1000... =)
> I was misled in the description I'd been given-- it was not at all 
> table-sized, or 400 pounds. It did have 6 cpus, though, and places for 
> several hard drives. UNfortunately, the salvage shop guy had taken out all 
> the memory and HDDs, it had not come to him with its two front boot 
> drives, was thus not testable to see if it still works... AND looked as if 
> it had been dropped or whacked hard, and one of the back trays holding a 
> card with CPUs on it had broken triggers and wouldn't open at all.
> We didn't get it. =)
> Thanks for the advice, Dave! Turns out you guessed right on the model. If 
> anybody's dying for a beaten-up SS1000 that may not work, in the Atlanta, 
> GA area, I can tell you where the shop is. I'm guessing not, though...

  It certainly *can* be tested with no hard drives...if you pound some
sense into the guy, like into the $50-75 range, it'd still be worth
picking up.  I've never seen an SS1000 with all the ejector handles

  If you want a cool Unix box, this might still be a viable choice.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf

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