low-end octane2? (was: Re: [rescue] octane question)

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Tue Jan 22 09:25:35 CST 2002

On Tuesday 22 January 2002 12:05 am, you wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > > OK, this would fit better if it weren't MS, but I just think it's funny
> > > when people complain that making things easy or accessible reduces
> > > their value.
> >
> > Why funny?  It's true, if you think about *value* in the monetary sense.
> >
> > Think about how much more valuable you'd be if you didn't have to compete
> > with evey MCSE boot-camp graduate out there?  If a company can get a
> > freshly certified MCSE for $35k, or pay a good sysadmin (who knows
> > windows, unix, and mac) twice that - the powers that be (fincance dept
> > mostly) will opt for the cheaper alternative.  Now the actual sysadmins
> > have to reduce their salaries to that level - and MCSE boot-campers are
> > seen as *actual* engineers, even though they couldn't design a quality
> > system to save their jobs...
> How about someone looking for an admin for their UNIX house?
Yes, I think that's exactly the point...
SHOW me someone who's hiring Unix admins at an appropriate rate of pay these 
days...  Hm?  Well?

This is the point I see, Business has moved almost entirely to the 'dixie 
cup'  paradigm.  Buy cheap PeeCee's, hire cheap MCSE's to admin them, get 
mediocre (or worse) value.  The response is... "oh, well.  it didn't cost 
much, what were we expecting".
The problem is that most of these weenies have never experienced the crystal 
wine glass, so they have no point of reference to look back from and go "hey, 
what the hell were we doing?"

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