[rescue] Boats?

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Fri Jan 25 01:12:53 CST 2002

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, you wrote:
> What else are they supposed to do?  There is only one Zero that can
> fly.  Previously, I had always heard that there were no Zero's left, but
> Aircraft Records has a CD on one, so someone must have found one that
> could be restored.

Yepper, Planes of Fame in Chino CA has it too.

they supplied the Zero and the B-25 used in the movie Pearl Harbor.

> > GAG!...AT 6 Texan <> Zero... GAW! I hate when they do that.  Almost as bad
> > as pictures of the modern US Navy in all the new footage in the new Pearl
> > Harbor movie... god that thing sucked... at least Tora Tora Tora only made
> > one faux pas like that...

Yea I hate it when they do that but when you only have one zero.

the other thing that pisses me off is a common film scene used in documentaries
on the 'good for your head' channels is the one with 3 SBD Dauntless's making a
shallow dive bomb run being depicted as Jap planes. ARGH!!!

Mike N

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