[rescue] More Free(ish) Stuff

Michael Dombrowski legodude at hammycorp.com
Sat Jan 26 14:16:59 CST 2002

More stuff I don't want. You pay shipping and send me something cool 
if you want.

3Com Lanplex/Coreplex/Corebuilder 2500. I'm pretty darn sure it works 
and can test if you want. Only card it has is 8x10baseFL but one of 
the connectors is broken so it's really 7x10baseFL.

3Com Linkswitch 2200. 1xFDDI port and 16xEthernet. This thing comes 
up with a software error of some port but does have a PCCARD slot on 
back so you could probably reload software or netboot off a 589 or 
similar card and get it working again but that's just a guess. I 
never fooled around with it more because I use 2500s for my FDDI-
Ethernet stuff.

Bay/Wellfleet Token Ring Access Node. I believe this works but I'm 
not sure, I never played around with it because it was token ring and 
I'm missing the serial cables. 

A HP 712/60 with a broken motherboard-someone cut the scsi connector 
off! I believe it still works so you can netboot it or load HPUX on a 
disk and attach it but...

Not for free I have 2x Pioneer External 6disc 4.4x SCSI cd changers 
with caddies. These work with Linux, MacOS, Windows and probably 
other Unixes. Centronics SCSI hookups. You have to pay shipping and 
either send me some cool or a small sum of cash for these.

I also have a 24port Compaq 100baseT hub that I'd like $40 + shipping 
for, but I will trade it.

On a final note, the HP 735 has been spoken for.


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