[rescue] Re: sunpci note: TWO cards now available

Thomas Steffen my_list_account at iname.com
Tue Jan 29 02:30:28 CST 2002

Linc Fessenden <linc at thelinuxlink.net> writes:

> They didn't.  6.2 was the last sparc port.  Debian and Suse are still
> actively persuing their own sparc port though.  In fact, I would love to
> hear from anyone running debian on their sparc to see how it actually
> runs. 

It does run ok (Debian 2.2 potato). However, the X-server is a bit
outdated (not XFree86) and a couple of minor networking tools don't
like big endian. In a classical environment it should be ok, but using
it on a dial up requires some work.

Support for unusual hardware is limited. 

The upcoming Debian 3.0 woody should be quite a bit better.

> Suse might be neat as well, but it's far too bulky afaiac.

Depends on your disk, I guess :-)

		    Thomas <thomas.steffen at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
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