[rescue] PDASync gives java errors

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Thu Jan 31 15:50:09 CST 2002

On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 07:59:46AM -0600, Eric Johnson wrote:
> It appears that you are missing at least one Java class/library on the
> Ultra2. Since it does dynamic 'linking' it doesn't notice the problem
> until it's in the middle of execution.

ok, turns out it was because i had installed java1.3.  any ideas what could be
in 1.2 that this thing needs that isn't in 1.3?  i have a choice, either i can
use PDASync or i can use the java plugin for Mozilla (plugin is in 1.3 only)

either that or i can find a way to use both.  although if not it's not a big
deal since i'd rather use PDASync that the java plugin anyway.



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