[rescue] Reset MIO to use UTP
Pastorel Alexoaie
exacomp at rdsor.ro
Tue Jul 2 10:11:37 CDT 2002
> [snip]
> > BTW, do you know how can you set/reset the JetDirect MIO
> > interface in a 4Si so it can be used in an UTP network
> > (the page test says BNC connection is active - not
> It autodetects. Plug it in to the UTP network before powering the
> printer.
Well, I'll try again, but the network connection is not the issue - is a
10/100 24 ports switch - and I have only one wall outlet that does not work,
it seems the decorating team has a little to do with this. The MIO MAC does
not appear in the network! I use etherPeek to sniff it.
Right now I'm usint an external (Intel) print server, which from time to
time needs to be powered off. Also has a very little print queue.
> [snip]
> Runs hot or overheats?
Kinda saying. I mean it has a hard life there.
> They do get hot- that fuzzy green cover with the
> red warning on the fuser unit is not joking- it's above 300 degrees F in
> there. There is a thermistor that will kill the power if the fuser
> overheats but it's not a very common problem. Make sure that the printer
> has a few inches of clearance around it and that you occasionally (and
> gently) vacuum out the dust. There is a square, black honeycomb filter
> that collects toner but I've seen them caked with toner and the units do
> not overheat.
Thank you, this seems to help in the near future.
> - Ross
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