GAH! Re: [rescue] cheap gps for time reference

Dave McGuire mcguire at
Sat Jul 6 19:47:34 CDT 2002

  [sorry for the shotgun email approach but I think it's wise in this case]

  I have just discovered that the HP Z3801A GPS-based freq standard is a
repackaged HP 58503A, which is a very sweet device.  It might have
different firmware but I'm not exactly sure.  I know this is a long
shot, but does anyone here have, or have access to, an HP 58503A that
could perhaps crack it open and trace a few things for me?
Specifically, I want to know exactly where and how the
buttons-and-display board connects to the CPU board, so I might be
able to duplicate that board.


Dave McGuire                  "Needing a calculator indicates that
St. Petersburg, FL              your .emacs file is incomplete." -Joshua Boyd

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