[rescue] cheap gps for time reference

Tim H. lists at pellucidar.net
Sun Jul 7 20:24:46 CDT 2002

Being one of those types, I have discovered the actual attention span
problem in my case is very strongly linked to the consuption of
artificial color additives.  Now let me see, the last time I saw a drug
without artificial color additives......

Fortunately my parents have a clue or two, and I was never doped down. 
Most of the kids I know who are diagnosed ADD are either just not sit
still personalities, or they are bored stiff because they already
understand what they are being taught.  Of course I also had an
advantage in that I was home-schooled from 7th grade on, so I didn't
have to listen to stuff I already knew.


On Sat, 6 Jul 2002 13:25:21 -0500
Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:

> ADD. *spit*.  Its a new term (and a "diagnosis", an excuse for doctors
> to put kids (and people) on medicine they dont need) for an old
> condition -
> its called BEING HYPER.  "overactive".
> Someone told me once they thought I had ADD.  No, I just multitask
> well.
> Bill

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