[rescue] cheap gps for time reference

Michael Hansen n7pgz at eudoramail.com
Mon Jul 8 00:33:53 CDT 2002

On Sun, 7 Jul 2002 21:24:46    Tim H. wrote:
>Fortunately my parents have a clue or two, and >I was never doped down. 

Doped down? I only know of one ADD medication
that isn't a strong stimulant. I know of three
that are amphetamines: Ritalin, Dexadrine,
and Adderall. The odd thing is, stimulants
are usually effective in treating 5 of the 
six types of ADD/ADHD.

It makes sense when you think about the fact
that the cause of those 5 types is the brain's
frontal lobe being asleep at the wheel.
This is as good as proven, thanks to PET* scans.

Of course, the PET scan also eliminated the
controversy over ADD being a "real" disease.
If you look at the scans, which show which
where brain activity is taking place, you can
see that major parts of an ADD patient's
frontal lobe are just sitting there in a
Jello-like manner.

*PET=Positron Emission Tomography
Mike Hansen, AC7UR

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