[rescue] intel vs. sun- for real

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jul 19 11:25:37 CDT 2002

Tough argument. Contact a Sun salesweasel, they should have lots of weasely
marketware that would answer all these issues. Let them do the work :)

>From a personal note:
Linux is NOT comparable to Solaris, not even close. Linux on Intel makes the
comparison even worse. There are volumes of stuff to be written as to why
these things are true, but its all been said here before. I speak from
experience. My company runs web services that take up to 8 million hits/hour
and we are trying very hard to switch from Solaris/Sun to Linux/Intel and
its not easy. Example: our Mapblast Solaris servers hum along at 90% - 95%
cpu at peak and work fine+fast. Our Linux/Intel farms need more physical
machines for the same load (2 to 1) and we have to keep cpu below 50% or we
get in trouble.

James Fogg, Network Engineer
Vicinity Corporation - New Hampshire
(603) 442-1751

~ -----Original Message-----
~ From: Koyote [mailto:koyote at koyote.cx]
~ Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 11:51 AM
~ To: rescue at sunhelp.org
~ Subject: [rescue] intel vs. sun- for real
~ So, my girlfriend is being forced to give hard evidence why a 
~ single or dual cpu UltraSparc would be more advantageuous to 
~ purchase than an intel box. Performance, reliability, anything.

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