[rescue] IPI cables and terminator needed

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Fri Jul 19 15:08:22 CDT 2002

I am sure I have some cables for IPI. I might have the terminator but that
will take a bit of rummaging through my boxes O'stuff.

Mike N
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Reif" <reif at earthlink.net>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 4:04 PM
Subject: [rescue] IPI cables and terminator needed

> Hi,
> I need some IPI cables and a terminator for my 4/690.  I have 2 IPI
> controllers and 6 8 inch IPI drives but only one cable and terminator.
> IPI cables have 3 row 50 pin D connectors with a male on one end and
> a female on the other (different from SCSI).  I need another long cable,
> 4 short cables and a terminator to put 3 drives on each controller.
> I wrote a linux device driver that is talking to the single drive now
> but I
> want to test a multi drive/controller setup before I release the driver.
> I could also use a VME framebuffer (CG3 or CG5) to test the interrupt
> portion of the VME driver.
> Thanks,
> Bob.
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