[rescue] misc old Sun resources

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Jul 22 00:50:09 CDT 2002

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 10:32:39PM -0700, James Lockwood wrote:
> I was the most satisfied with the 144k IDSL (Northpoint/Zyan).  It was
> fast enough for nearly everything I needed to do, and was rock-solid
> reliable.  I was over 50k feet from the CO.  I had one 25 minute outage
> total in 7 months (and then Northpoint folded and took Zyan with them in
> the meltdown).  Pacbell's ADSL was ok when it worked, but the DSL group
> and the telco linemen chased each other around like the Keystone Cops.
> I'd rather have reliability and service than speed any day.

Thats why I went with SWBell DSL - in the end, they're not going to be 
another CLEC going out of business, and I dont have to deal with a CLEC
fighting with ASI (bell's installers division, etc), etc, etc, etc.

It all comes from one source, and Just Works.  I'm fucking IMPRESSED.

(I heard plenty of horror stories about bell dsl 2.5 years ago)

> However, there is a small ISP roughly 2000 feet from my property.  A flat
> rate license from the local electric company to hang wire on their poles
> would run me $50/yr, and I could get lineman support from the local
> cableco and insurance for another $100/yr.  If I can find a good deal on
> hangable fiber I'll consider running it straight into the ISP (who can
> sell me bandwidth for 20% over their upstream charges).  Wireless is
> another option, though I don't have clear LOS.

Damn, go for that... just put a 10baseFX converter on either end, and 
plug straight into their switch, or something.


bill bradford       /       mrbill at mrbill.net       /       austin, texas
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at 
some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" -- Larry Wall

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