[rescue] Possible Octane steal

Michael Still MikeS at McBurney.com
Fri Jul 26 17:26:33 CDT 2002

another box that i've been looking at.   i might just go ahead and grab

Michael Still (MikeS at McBurney.com)
System Administrator
The McBurney Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua D Boyd [mailto:jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu]
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 6:17 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: [rescue] Possible Octane steal


In the pictures they show an unidentified XIO card, plus the SI card.
And the pictures also show what appears to be the PCI cage (the
selling of this and the 2nd drive sled easily gaining back the
difference between this and the machine people where lusting after in
the low 200s, plus this is a faster CPU, but less ram).  I could be
wrong about the PCI cardcage, but I though most octanes had a blank
plate if they didn't have it...

Joshua D. Boyd

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