[rescue] Sick Dreamcast hacker

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Jun 18 12:00:03 CDT 2002

On June 18, Tim H. wrote:
> These days there is a high entry threshold for the hardware hacker, at
> least to work with current hardware, including surface mount stations,
> circuit board equipment (or expensive one item board shops) etc.  You
> could make a useful s100 board with a copper clad and a dremel tool, pin
> spacing was wide enough to cut pads by hand, you could even wire wrap,
> just had to leave an empty slot under the board.  I can't imagine
> attempting to wire wrap stuff at 66MHz.

  I agree on most points, but surface mount simply isn't the obstacle
that everyone seems to think it is.  Invest in a high-quality Metcal
or Hakko soldering station, lighted magnifier, and a good (not cheap)
pair of tweezers, take your time, and it's actually quite easy.  I do
it nearly every day.


Dave McGuire                       "*BURRRP!*  Mmm...tastes like cannoli,
St. Petersburg, FL                    smells like garlic!" -Sridhar

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