[rescue] Sick Dreamcast hacker

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Jun 18 16:11:58 CDT 2002

On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 01:54:53PM -0700, Koyote wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 04:47:05PM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrot 
> > Well, relative to designing a CPU to be fabbed, not relative to
> > writing a lisp interpreter in 68k assembly, or whatever.
> okay- honestly, why not?
> (Note that as much as I love hp calcs, I would love something
> better. RPL leaves a bit to be deisered in some areas, and the form
> factor of the 48 doesn't match the layout of a 41 or 42- or 28  -
> www.hpcalc.org for pics)  

Well, I have a simple graphing calculator calculater written in
GuileGTK.  I'll have to look into extending it to do what we want.
Haveing the button lay out done up on the screen and tested there
would be a lot easier than rearranging buttons to find what we want
phyisically.  Once that was done, it shouldn't be to hard to switch to
a scheme embeded in a small machine.  The UI joke was just have to be
switched around.
> People always joke about me making an emacs OS. Why not start by
> hacking a 68k kernel and elisp machine? 

Well, much as I like emacs, I'd rather have somethine other than elisp
for the basis of a machine.  Now, what would be cool would be a scheme
OS, with an elisp interpreter.  I mean, one already exists, so why
can't it be translated into scheme?

Anyway, such a thing is on my list of things to do.  I'm pretty
clueless about doing file systems in a lisp intuitive way.  All I can
think of is just recoding ext2 or fat16 in lisp.  Blech.

Joshua D. Boyd

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