[rescue] quiet SPARCstation

Michael Schiller schiller at zaphod.agrijag.com
Wed Jun 19 12:16:52 CDT 2002


See if there's an old fashioned typewriter repair shop near you. They used to sell
rubber mats to go under a typewriter (to make it quieter) that are basically
slightly thicker than a modern mousepad, and without the cloth cover, but
otherwise the same stuff (in a larger sheet).


Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 10:55:50AM -0400, Loomis, Rip wrote:
> > Another trick that we used to use at $Old_Work was to put the systems
> > underneath the Big Ugly Desks on the floor--anything that helps put
> > the high frequency noise generators a little further away and
> > direct the noise away from your ear will help somewhat.
> One other thing I've done with some boxes, is to put them on stacks of
> mousepads or other sorts of "rubber mats".  This reduces any vibrations that
> might be amplified by shelving, etc.
> I have an U60 that hits a resonant frequency when I put it on a set of plastic
> shelving I have (and it gets VERY annoying).  So, I "padded" it with some old
> mouse pads.. Wish I could find this type of rubber-foam padding material in
> bulk, though.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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