[rescue] quiet SPARCstation

Kurt Mosiejczuk kurt at csh.rit.edu
Thu Jun 20 09:55:37 CDT 2002

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Katherine Strojny wrote:

> > that is making so much noise.  Heck, even my Ultra 1 got much quieter
> > when I replaced it's drive with 2 7200rpm IBM drives [2].

> Model?

IBM-PSG-DNES-318350Y is what is in my logs.  (At work, can't crack
the machine =) ).  However, they are SCA drives, which probably won't
help you.

> I already had the HDD unplugged when I got on this noise+vibration kick.
> (It gets plugged back in when I get more memory, a CD drive, and something
> to install.)  The fan's the only moving part left.

> Yes, the HDD drive's loud too.  *sigh*  I'll probably see what kind of
> mileage I can get out of replacing the PS fan then move on (hoping that
> will solve the vibration too).  Thanks, Kurt and Rip.

It sounds like you may get some mileage out of replacing the PS fan
then.  That's why I made the disclaimer =)

Glad I could (sortof) help.


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