[rescue] home "server rooms"

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 20 14:59:00 CDT 2002

on 6/20/02 3:18 PM, Joshua D Boyd at jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 03:08:13PM -0400, Torquil MacCorkle, III wrote:
>> on 6/20/02 1:37 PM, Gary Nichols at gary at linuxforce.org wrote:
>>> Torquil:
>>> Hope you don't mind, but I was flipping through the other pictures of your
>>> setup (all very cool btw).
>> (I hope you stopped before you got to PDC_640 and above :) )
> You did want us to see the pictures you took of yourself in the Mirror?
> You didn't tell us you recently had a birthday.  You are... 16 now?
> Happy birthday.  Did you get a car?

Thanks. Nope, I have to pay $200 to take a driver's ed class if I want my
license. And the pancake house turned down my resume... something about me
answering the "How did you hear about us?" question with 'Billboards'. So it
is unlikely I will get a car or license soon. :)

Torquil MacCorkle, III
Lexington, Virginia

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