[rescue] fans fans fans...

Chris Hedemark chris at yonderway.com
Fri Jun 21 11:43:00 CDT 2002

On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 12:29, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> OK, then all of us who drive sensible cars must fear for our lives.

Yep.  Especially if you drive in one of those flatulent bumblebee jap

> How do you legally fit 5 people into a Ford F250 (keeping in mind that
> here it is illegal to have people riding in the back)?  

I don't have 5 people to drive around.

I do however periodically have to haul around over half a ton of
computer hardware at a time.

I also often haul lumber, bags of concrete, one yard of crushed stone at
a time, etc.

I'd say the F250 is quite practical for my needs.

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