[rescue] fans fans fans...

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Fri Jun 21 16:53:32 CDT 2002

jp at celestrion.net writes:

>Now, once you get past that, Scheme does a lot of things more easily than
>C does:
>  * Bignums (required as parts of R5RS)
>  * Arbitrarily-large data structures (with automatic garbage collection)
>  * On-the-fly function composition (functions are lists)
>  * Functional encapsulation (unnamed functions within functions)
>  * Processing data structures that are recursive in nature (ex: XML)

If I recall correctly, some desktop publishing program (Framemaker?)
stored documents as lisp.

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----- Being poked in the eye with a sharp stick makes baby jesus cry! -----

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