[rescue] Re: [geeks] Satellite Dishes - old style...

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Sun Jun 23 00:14:10 CDT 2002

OOPS!  They're in the Midwest - Wisconsin in particular.  Sorry I forgot 
to mention that.

Mike Hebel wrote:
> I've got a friend off-list who's switched to digital so she doesn't need 
>  her old-style satellite dishes.
> If anyone wants them there are two of them:
> 1 - 10(12?) foot mesh dish with motor and a receiving module of 
> questionable status in the nose.  The motor worked when it was last 
> used.  It will be cleanly disassembled except for bolts which we're 
> going to cut with a torch due to time.
> 1 - 8 foot solid dish - fixed.  No module, no motor - obviously.
> I may be able to dig up a couple of the old satellite receivers as well 
> but not a replacement dish module.
> If anyone is interested please contact me off-list.
> Mike Hebel
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