computer building? was[rescue] Noise levels

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at
Mon Jun 24 00:29:25 CDT 2002

James Sharp wrote:
> > > LEDs. Cheap & cool to run.
> >
> > Details would be most appreciated.
> They're a bit more expensive than conventional fixtures...but you never
> have to replace bulbs and they draw 1/10th the power.

Now that's innovation.
Here in sweden some guy came up with that idea on trafficlights. Twice
the brightness (easier to see when its foggy outside), draws 1/10th or
less in power and they never need to change lightbulbs.

I've seen projects like that on Opel Calibras and I'm thinking about
doing the same, switching every lightbulb in the interior for blueish
leds. :-)

Vnliga hlsningar/Best Regards
Bjrn Ramqvist, Hgglunds Vehicle AB

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