[rescue] SMP on intel wasteful?

Brian Hechinger wonko at 4amlunch.net
Mon Jun 24 21:41:37 CDT 2002

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 10:24:44PM -0400, Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 wrote:
> > 
> > I'm sorry, but am I missing something here? I've heard lots of people
> > complaining about how secure various OSes (IRIX, Solaris, etc.) are 'out of the
> > box'. Who cares? 
> If you don't make any more money and have to spend more time on it,
> you would care.  The customers don't understand security and expect it
> to be there as part of the base service.

you are right, however, it takes all of what?  5 minutes to secure a Solaris
box?  that pretty much negates your argument IMHO (or not so humble as the case
may be)

> I don't say anything about relative quality; there are things IRIX has
> that OpenBSD does not - such as XFS, SMP support, sproc based threads
> and "normal" threads, etc.  

what what is this /usr/src/sys/xfs directory in my OpenBSD 3.1 source tree?
is this something other that the "real" XFS?  i don't need it for these two
machines i'm building, but i'm very curious.

> OpenBSD's thread implementation is so lame that I can't run a needed
> application on SPARC32 (and probably not SPARC64 either and must
> resort to using x86 hardware.)

that's a shame.  but at least it will make a nice Bridging Packet Filter which
is what i plan to do with it. ;)

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