[rescue] SMP on intel wasteful?

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Jun 25 00:18:35 CDT 2002

On Monday, June 24, 2002, at 02:32 PM, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> Let me ask you again (since you're finally starting to say a little more
> than stuff like "x86 is repulsive):  For real world work, what can you
> show me in the RISC world that compares to my $2,000 x86 box in terms of
> productivity?
A Powermac G4.  Dollar for dollar you get better performance and value 
out of the latest G4 Quicksilver line.  Especially since out of the box 
the thing runs a Unix based OS, and you can always run Yellowdog or 
NetBSD if you choose.  You can also build Beowulf clusters of these in 
Marathon racks.  I think last time I did the comparison I started with 
what machine you get from Dell vs. Apple for exactly $1700.  The 
machines were identical almost... even in CPU speed... except the PPC 
had GigEthernet and one other really nice feature that I'm forgetting at 
the moment.


"Oh good... my dog found the chainsaw." -- Lilo

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