[rescue] [gstrekel at limra.com: VAX Cluster]

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Wed Jun 26 01:28:39 CDT 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
> Wow.. Anybody want a cluster? 8-)


> Our Cluster consists of a VAX 7710, VAX 6410, MicroVAX 3100/10E and MicroVAX
> 3100/30. We are using MTI hard and tape drives for storage.  All the Digital
> equipment has been under maintenance contract with Digital for the life of
> the equipment and all the equipment is in fine working order (but of
> course).

Now go get that VAX 7710! You won't regret that baby, if you have the
mains to run it, that is...

Vnliga hlsningar/Best Regards
Bjrn Ramqvist, Hgglunds Vehicle AB

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