[rescue] The Age of Things [was: Re: my point]

Sheldon T. Hall shel at cmhcsys.com
Wed Jun 26 09:54:24 CDT 2002

Message: 2
On Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 00:20:23 -0400, Chad Fernandez
<fernande at internet1.net> wrote ...

> Microwaves were around 30 years ago?

Nope.  More like _50_ years ago.  The original Raytheon patents were from
1945, and they started selling commercial microwave ovens ones right after
WWII.  Tappan was selling consumer models in the mid 1950s.

A lot of stuff is much older than you think; Farnsworth's first patents on
television are from 1927.  People had car phones in the early 50s, etc.

Dam' kids.  Can't take 'em anywhere.

Sheldon T. Hall
shel at cmhc.com
206-842-2858 (Home)
206-780-7971 (Office)

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