[rescue] my new sig

Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 patrick at .zill.net
Thu Jun 27 07:59:21 CDT 2002

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 07:58:53AM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> I'm with Linc, I like it.  Then again, I've been accused of being a strident
> nationalist :)
> I'm not really a religious man, but I certainly can't find a good reason to
> complain about the use of the word "God".  The 'founding fathers' certainly
> were religious, and that's why the wording of som many historical documents are
> riddled with religious ideas and ideals.

It's more important than that.  

When you look upon youself as being created by God, you have rights
that no man can abrogate, without setting himself up as a sort of
deity himself.  

The State is not the ultimate authority in this kind of worldview;
instead it is a sort of steward or caretaker that has to operate
within certain limits set by the Man Upstairs.

This is why Russia under the Tsars, as despotic as they were, was
still better than under Communism.


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