[rescue] my new sig

Brian Hechinger wonko at 4amlunch.net
Thu Jun 27 11:09:24 CDT 2002

Chad Fernandez wrote:

> Jeffrey Sharp wrote:
>> Wow, that is so amazingly on-topic! Thank you for announcing your 
>> change in
>> signature; I'm sure that the world has been saved from total 
>> destruction by
>> the fortunate and timely delivery of this information.
> You having a bad day?

probably like me, he doesn't like to see all this off topic chatter on 
rescue.  i used to not mind, since i was also on geeks, but i really 
need to spend less time reading mail and more time getting the house 
arranged and finding a job.  of course not even a day after i unsub from 
geeks there is that huge explosion of a thread on this list.  *oi*

i enjoy off-topic drift as much as the next person, but i think it 
wouldn't be a terribly bad idea to make a concious effort (all of us, 
that means me too) to really try our hardest to avoid political and 
religeous threads on this list.  if you'll look back through the 
archives, we all have very strong feelings about both topics, and there 
are a wide variety of different opinions that we all strongly believe 
in.  and inevitably, these threads explode before anyone has a chance to 
ask that it gets moved to geeks.

i'm not trying to be dictator or anything (i leave that to bill) i'm 
just trying to maybe explain jeff's feelings in a few more words for you 
(i hope that's ok jeff)

damn it's hot, i'm melting.

there, now that post is COMPLETELY off topic, go me!!


"Mmmm, bendy."		- Johnny Bravo

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