[rescue] Rescued: Vaxstation 3100

Kenneth Dunn luser at xtra.co.nz
Fri Mar 1 20:16:55 CST 2002

I just rescued a VAXStation 3100, (model: VS42A-BW). Some one in NZ
posted on nz.comp that they had a Vax in my area free for removal, I was
fortunate enough to have checked the newsgroup just a few minutes after
the messages posting. 

It has 16MB RAM, SCSI and floppy interfaces, but missing brackets
to mount harddrives. I'm going to put a bubble bag in the case and
rest the hard drive on that and tape the hell out of everything (must
be my Maori side showing). Any better ideas for a quick fix ? The 
floppy drive looks poked.

Found out that there is a serial console/monitor-VT keyboard 
console selector when reading up on it at Vaxarchives, but I
had to drill a hole to get access to the dip switch from outside
the case.

I downloaded NetBSD for Vax last night, which took a while on a 
56K modem. Am just reading documentation on how to do a netboot
install from a Linux box. 

Happy happy joy joy.

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