[rescue] SCO Openserver

CARL.P.HIRSCH at sargentlundy.com CARL.P.HIRSCH at sargentlundy.com
Mon Mar 4 11:40:32 CST 2002

I only recently convinced my boss to let me upgrade our external DNS
servers running Openserver 5.5 (running BIND 4-series no less!) with a more
modern Unix and BIND 8/9. Unfortunately, the management types here wanted
to stick with SCO, but I suspect quite a few shops are transitioning from
Openserver over to Caldera's UnixWare 7.1.1(Oh, pardon me, that's Open Unix
8, even if all of the bundled documentation still refers to it as UnixWare
7.1.1). I would have much preferred putting Open- or some other BSD in

Haven't had a chance to mess with caldera's "Linux Kernel Personality"
layer in Open Unix yet... I feel like such a thing would be crufty. Folks'


                    Julius Sridhar                                                                      
                    <vance at ikickas        To:     Kenneth Dunn <luser at xtra.co.nz>                       
                    s.org>                cc:     <rescue at sunhelp.org>                                  
                    Sent by:              Subject:     Re: [rescue] SCO Openserver                      
                    rescue-admin at s                                                                      
                    03/04/02 05:23                                                                      
                    Please respond                                                                      
                    to rescue                                                                           

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Kenneth Dunn wrote:

> Before I put any time into learning it, is there any future for
> SCO/Caldera Openserver ? I.e. is it likely to still be fairly
> common in 5 years time.

It really isn't fairly common now, is it?  Most of the people I knew who
were running Openserver a couple of years ago (myself included) are no

Peace...  Sridhar

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