[rescue] Thoughts on system noise...

Sridhar the POWERful vance at ikickass.org
Sun Mar 24 18:30:28 CST 2002

> At 6:28 PM -0500 3/24/02, Bill Vinson wrote:
> >I have recently gotten a Sparc IPX.  I love the little beast, but I
> >have noticed that the fan noise combined with a high pitch whine of
> >the 1GB SCSI drive I put in it can be somewhat annoying (Even when
> >under the desk)... I have been experimenting with multiple drives to
> >quiet it down, but so far none have helped :)  As I hope to do more
> >of this, how do you all deal with system noise?  I have several macs
> >and pcs and of which are fairly quiet, but these older drives seem
> >to be less designed with noise in mind...

Put the machine in the closet with a separate air conditioner, and use
long extension cables.

Peace...  Sridhar

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